When approaching Folkestone by sea, the first thing you see is the white cliffs. Of course, the famous white cliffs belong to Dover, but what people who are not familiar with Folkestone don't realise, is that those cliffs belong to Folkestone just as much as they do to Dover, and run right along the back of The Warren, and form the East Cliff.
The cliffs trace their origins to the Cretaceous Period, approximately 136 million years ago, when the area was submerged under deep tropical waters. Subjected to the great pressures of the sea, the emptied skeletons of coral, sponges and other small sea creatures turned to sediment which began to accumulate on the ocean floor. By approximately 70 million years ago, this process had formed a mass of silica-specked chalk linking the island to the continent. Over time, owing to the exceptional softness of chalk, tidal forces eroded this land mass away to form the English Channel, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean that forms a channel between France and Britain.
The cliff face continues to erode at an average rate of one centimeter per year, although occasionally-most recently in 2001-large chunks of the edge, up to several meters at once, will fall into the channel with little warning. Visitors are therefore urged to remain at least five meters back from the edge.
Once again, if any of the photos remain blank, right click your mouse into the space, and click 'show picture', and it should come in for you.
The Warren, (not named after me! In fact when I lived there, I was a Brown, then a Dyer), showing a steam engine running through. I stayed away from there as a child, as it was frequented by adders! Uggghhhh!!
This was Warren Halt. Yes, trains actually stopped there! Though why you would want to get off there, unless you were working on the railway line, I can't imagine!
Actually, the Warren used to be a very popular place for picnics and swimming, and I have decided that when I make the next trip, I am going to head down there and take a closer look. (I am going to try to avoid the undergrowth though!)
The part of The Warren seen here is known as Little Switzerland - I think you can see why!
Another nice picture of a steam train chugging through The Warren. With the sun reflecting off those famous white cliffs in the background
Warren Halt again, with a train approaching.
On the right you can see a picnic area. I wonder why they had that so close to the station? I wouldn't have thought the smell of those trains would have enhanced the taste of your sandwiches!
You learn something every day! This is a 1913 picture of Warren Halt, but this time it shows another zig zag path, running from the line to the top of the cliff.
As I said earlier, I used to avoid the Warren, so had no idea it was there, but Alan Taylor tells me it still is, and goes up to the Old Dover Road at Capel-Le-Ferne and at the top there is a tea chalet.
The East Cliff, with the East Cliff Sands on the left. Sorry these are so fuzzy, I had reduced them to about half this size on my old pages, and they don't enlarge again too well.
Gradually, I will get them all re-scanned again, but that will take time.
Oh my! This is the spot where I arranged to meet my very first date. He didn't show up, and I was heartbroken! :-) Good job my mother didn't find out, he was quite a bit older than me, and the East Cliff is not exactly a good place to meet someone you hardly know!
What the heck was his name anyway? :-))
This card is of The Warren, showing the Halt and Abbotts Cliff.
When going to Dover by train the first tunnel you go through is Martello tunnel, which comes out in the Warren, the second tunnel is Abbott's Cliff tunnel, named after the cliff it goes through.
Since I started putting this page together, I have been to Folkestone and went for a walk from the Tea Chalet part way down the East Cliff down to the old railway line. However, I don't feel I walked down this zig zag path, because it didn't zig zag, and the chalet was definitely not at Capel-Le-Ferne, so maybe there are two chalets.
This is the Tea Chalet that I visited in 2005, except it looks more like a hut these days than a chalet. I got talking to the lady inside, who told me that there are still adders down below. I went for a walk down there anyway, but watched the ground pretty carefully!
She said "Oh you don't have to worry, if you get bitten, you just have to get to a hospital, they will give you an injection and you will be fine, you won't die, you will just feel ill"
Excuse me? And this is supposed to reassure me?
A 1930's view of the East Cliff, with the Pavilion, which is still there.
Same area again, I don't know the year, but would guess it to be early 60's. Beautiful rock gardens weren't they, now long gone.
Notice the white horse of Kent in the upper left corner of this card.
I found this one very interesting. It is called Martello Towers, Folkestone. You can see three of them in the picture.
I checked out this wonderful Martello Tower website:
http://www.martello-towers.co.uk/1.htm and found out that all three are still standing.
No. 1 is located on East Wear Bay, and has been converted into a residence, No. 2 is also a residence, on East Wear Bay, and is difficult to be seen due to shrubbery and trees around it.
The one I am familiar with is No. 3, now used as an interpretive centre, and is owned by the Shepway District Council. There were 74 towers built originally, and around 9 of them were in Folkestone, many still standing, although derelict at Shorncliffe Camp.
Do check out that Martello website, it is fascinating!
Here is another one showing just how much of the East Cliff we have lost over the years. It's frightening really.
A slightly fuzzy one of Little Switzerland in the Warren, showing a childrens' playground. It seems to me that this must be where the current Tea Chalet is located.
This was the view I took from the Tea Chalet
This one of the East Cliff, this one shows you the type of cars being driven in 1958
This one of a train chugging through the Warren was sent to me some time ago by Sid Rowles, who told me that his great uncle Ted sent it when he was stationed in Folkestone during the war in 1915
This is the first photograph I have seen of people swimming at the Warren. This was dated 1931
They obviously had many people swimming down there in those days, enough to warrant a bathing station for changing purposes.
And enough to justify a man in a boat to prevent people from going out too far and drowning.
Just look at the crowds of people that travelled on that train to and from Warren Halt. They obviously appreciated this end of Folkestone far more than they do today
Now this is a path I wouldn't want to walk on! Just look at the sheer drop from there, and no railing! I very much doubt it would be there today, they would never allow the public to take such a risk.
This is the path I took when I walked from the Tea Chalet down to the railway line in 2005. It was a very pretty walk too, lots of primroses, violets and bluebells on the way.
Did you know it is illegal to pick them nowadays? Such a shame that today's children can't have the same fond memories I have of picking bunches of these flowers to take home to Mum.
A very old postcard showing a smugglers cave in the Warren. I wonder if it is still there?
Getting ready to board the train and head back home
Was this an early version of a tea chalet I wonder? Judging by the proximity of the zig zag path, it must have been close to the Halt.
Copt Point is the part of the East Cliff that juts out in this photograph
A 1923 view of the East Cliff and Warren. What on earth does that woman have with her? I thought at first it was a goat, but it looks too big for that doesn't it? A cow with two heads? Or has she just set up some kind of trestle for drying towels?
This was a view of the East Cliff area that I hadn't seen on a postcard before. It was dated 1904, there are quite a lot of large homes in the area for the period aren't there?
I left this one large because it is interesting. What are these people doing? Golf? Tennis? Putting greens?
This 1920 view of the Warren was described as Fossil Bay. Anybody know if it is still called that? Trevor Butcher mentioned this in his e-mail too, as follows:
"I do not know if the area around Copt Point was called fossil bay, but the fossils were small and almost black. The concrete dragons teeth anti-tank defences were bulldozed up from the beaches after the war to form an erosion defence."
A modern view of the harbour taken from the East Cliff. This was sent to me by Chris Keller. Thanks Chris! :-)
Now isn't this a strange one? I don't have a date for this, which is entitled East Cliff and Martello Towers. It looks like there are four of them in the picture doesn't it? I always thought there were only three in this area. Can anyone shed any light on this?
I thought this was a modern aerial view of the harbour across the Warren. However, it is not all that modern, because I can see ferries against the pier. The Hotel Burstin is there though.
Oh doesn't Folkestone have the best scenery in the world? So many people who live there never even look at it, but just look at this view! This photo was taken and sent to me by James Ashby of Luton. Thanks James, it's lovely. Is that your dog? And there are those same tennis nets.
This photo was taken by Cliff Sherwood of the Virtual Tourist website (Check my links page for the address).
Know why he took it? Because in the distance you can see the nudist beach, that's why!
I don't see anyone on it though, do you?
I had seen these steps from above, and was very curious to see where they led.
Well, look at that! Were the rocks there when they built those steps? Or did they wash in afterwards?
They must have been some pretty heavy duty waves to move those boulders!
And it doesn't look likely that they will move out again in a hurry does it?
I used to enjoy hunting between these rocks when I was a kid, but they were pretty slippery just after the tide went out.
Back to the old - the very old - 1918 in fact, and it shows how the East Cliff looked before they built the Pavilion.
I don't have a date for this one, but it is also very old. As you can see, the East Cliff Sands hadn't been developed yet.
I did! See below
I had an e-mail from a gentleman called Lee who tells me that the tower on the far right had something to do with the train tunnel which ran underneath. He went on to say that although there are houses built on that site now, a few years ago, on that spot was a big ditch with a square concrete base at the bottom which had metal doors. When the trains went under, you could feel them if you stood on it.
Thanks Lee!
I received an e-mail from Trevor Butcher, and here is what he said in response to my question about this photo:
"The people in the foreground are playing
golf on the course around martello no.3, and if you look
closely at the area at the bottom of the hill you will see
the two lines of tennis nets strung across the picture. I
remember the golf course and the tennis courts well from the 1970s.
Martello tower no. 2 is just to the left of the
picture, but you can see the slope up to it.
Are they tents between the toilet block and martello no. 1? Scouts? Excavations for the Roman villa?"
There you go, one question just leads to another. Thanks Trevor, if I get an answer to your question, I will add it here.
Trevor also confirmed this and so did Alan, so it must be true!
Alan Taylor tells me that this was indeed a tea chalet that was located near the bridge at Warren Halt. He says it was run by the Marsh family until WW2.
I used to know a Dave Marsh, I wonder if they were his ancestors?
The photo above and above left are from the fifties when the rock garden was in place in front of the East Cliff Pavilion. I wonder what that structure was on the right in the picture above? It's not there now. The photo on the left is a little earlier than the other two I believe.
What a hive of industry the Warren tea chalet was in 1938, you could also take your tea in the gardens then. Mind you, I think you still can now, but it isn't as spread out as this.
Mike Vernol sent me this one. It shows a Martello tower, and the tea gardens of the chalet. I don't have a date for it, but there is that well thing again, this time it has a big stick attached, a pump maybe?
Again, a very old and faded photo showing lots of people walking through the Warren.
On the night of 19 December 1915 the one and three quarter mile length of track supporting the main railway line slipped at The Warren. It was estimated that 1.5m tons of chalk slipped or fell creating dramatic changes to the landscape that can still be seen today. Because of the Great War the whole thing was hushed up for fear of the Germans getting to know that the main means of moving troops from London to Dover was out of action. For the rest of the war troops were moved via Faversham to Dover. The line was not relaid until after WWl. This photo is looking away from Folkestone towards Dover.
This card was mailed in 1916, but the photograph had to have been taken before then, because you wouldn't have seen any trains on this line between the end of 1915 and 1918 or 1919. Read the explanation to the right and you will understand.
This one however was taken before that happened, in 1913.
And this art card from 1923 shows how recreational that area was after the first world war.
This is a bit later, in 1936 in fact. Shows someone doing a little camping.
Oh I love this photo, and it dates right back to 1905. The pond you see here is no longer there, it has long since been filled in from landslides. Wasn't it pretty?
The Chalet again, are those tables or seats I wonder?
This one dates right back to 1904, and depicts the Picnic Ground. I would guess that the house- like structure in the background is a bathing cabin, and the Halt would be in the centre, where you can see the roof of the station, but I wonder what that round structure is to the right of it?
A nice clear one of the bathing cabins. I would guess this to be in the 30's wouldn't you?
Another look at that pond, this time it is 1906, which means it could have been taken the same day as the 1905 card above! That's the way it is with postcards, you only have the date they were mailed to go on.
No date for the one above, but the skirts are shorter, which means later.
Here we are in the 1960's, and this is the style of caravan that was popular at that time.
If you have your own memories of Folkestone, be sure to share them with us by jotting them down in the book below
This page updated August 14, 2016