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198) Nigel McGinley  Male
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Thursday, 15 April 2021 06:20 Write a comment

Great to see some memories from my misspent youth in the 60s
197) Sonia Warren  Female
Courtenay, BC, Canada
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:86.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/86.0
Thursday, 18 March 2021 15:28 Write a comment

I have a memory as a kid with my Mum. That we are standing outside a glass tank that was a swimming pool by the lifts by the Leas. I was small around 1967. My older sister was swimming and my mum telling me I would learn to swim, as she herself couldn't swim.

Sonia Thursday, 18 March 2021 15:30
Does anyone remember this?

Christine - Site owner Thursday, 18 March 2021 21:48
Hi Sonia, underneath the Leas, near the lifts, there were two places for swimming apart from the sea. I suspect you might have been inside the Marina, the indoor pool. The outdoor pool was opposite, closer to the sea, but had no glass walls. Regrettably I have no photos of the inside of the Marina, but if you would recognise it from the outside, you will find pics on the West Beach page. The original name for it was The Bathing Establishment, but was The Marina in the period you are talking about. It’s demolished now, as is the outdoor pool.

Gerald Stone Tuesday, 6 July 2021 06:16
I remember those swimming pools well. A few of us used to go for a swim in the indoor pool on a Sunday morning in the mid 50’s. It was known as the Rock Pool and was very warm and because of the humid air there was condensation running down the windows.

The outdoor pool was very cold though and was famous as a place where Sam Rocket trained for his Channel swims!
196) Louise Nordestgaard  Female
Adelaide, South Australia
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Sunday, 14 March 2021 00:12 Write a comment

Hi. I am seeking information on my GGG grandparents and family who were born in Folkestone but moved to Vlissingen in Holland for 18 years before returning to England and emigrating to South Australia in 1838. I'm wondering if it was a common thing for English to move across and whether they would have integrated or remained part of an English colony in Holland. Thomas Tapley was a baker in Vlissingen and moved later to Rotterdam where my GG grandfather was born. There is talk of them being involved in smuggling but I don't know whether that would be true. He was reputed to be a smuggler in South Australia. I wonder whereabouts in Folkestone the family lived and where the family hotel in Dover was-I think where the Premier Inn is now but I'm not sure. Any help would be appreciated.

Jane Marshall Wednesday, 5 January 2022 08:56
It was common for movement between Kent and the Netherlands to occur. You can find a lot of information on this excellent website
Type in Tapley and quite a few names pop up.
195) Richard Hunt  Male
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.190 Safari/537.36
Sunday, 7 March 2021 13:27 Write a comment

Recently discovered my father was born at 77 Marshall Street, Folkestone in 1918. He moved to Tyson Road later on

Daphne Jay Sunday, 4 April 2021 16:07
What was your fathers name? My mother was born at 2 Princess Street in 1921, so very near Streets and birth dates.My Mother is still very well and just had her 100th birthday. I see you live in Norwich, so does my Mother.
194) Richard Hunt  Male
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Sunday, 7 March 2021 13:27 Write a comment

Recently discovered my father was born at 77 Marshall Street, Folkestone in 1918. He moved to Tyson Road later on
193) Richard Hunt  Male
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Sunday, 7 March 2021 13:27 Write a comment

Recently discovered my father was born at 77 Marshall Street, Folkestone in 1918. He moved to Tyson Road later on
192) P Cook 
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Monday, 22 February 2021 04:51 Write a comment

I was after some information about an old victorian hotel I used to stay at with my family in the later 60's. It was on a hill overlooking the sea with decorative ironwork balconies. Each floor was painted a different colour inside and it had a ballroom and dining room. I remember I could see the cranes of the harbour and we walked down to a beach with arches at the back. I was only 5 or 6 so don't remember the name of it. Would be interested if anyone remembers it.

Christine - site owner Thursday, 18 March 2021 22:08
Hello P. Cook,
My first thought is that the hotel in question might have been the former St. Andrews Convalescent Home, that took on another life as the W.T.A. Guesthouse in the 50’s and 60’s. This was a hotel for the use of Union employees, and was on the East Cliff overlooking the harbour, and the sands with the arches are directly below. The building is still there, but has been converted into flats. You can find photos of it on the Buildings page.
191) Chris Collingwood  Male
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Tuesday, 16 February 2021 05:00 Write a comment

As a child I live with my parents in military housing at Reachfields on the very edge of the army training grounds.
The military ranges at Hythe were each lettered, A, D, E and F. The towers locate at the far ends of the ranges were similarly lettered. I do not recall either a 'B'or 'C' range.

Tom Peek Saturday, 13 July 2024 09:51
Hello Chris, did you remember a young lady 'Marjorie'that lived on the front row and worked at the laundry opposite?, would be 1967/8
190) Alan H  Male
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 14_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/137.2.345735309 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
Sunday, 31 January 2021 12:48 Write a comment

Does anyone remember a dance band from the 1930s known as G-D-B. Thought to be the Grove Dance Band. Any information would be very helpful.
189) Alan H  Male
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Sunday, 31 January 2021 12:42 Write a comment

Does anyone remember a dance band from the 1930s known as G-D-B. Thought to be the Grove Dance Band. Any information would be very helpful.
188) Pam Wraight nee Sutton  Female
Capel le Ferne nr Folkestone
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Saturday, 5 December 2020 10:56 Write a comment

I have just come across this site, absolutely fascinating, spent hours going through everything. Born here in 1947. Excellent.
187) robert beer  Male
newcastle australia
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Monday, 30 November 2020 23:16 Write a comment

many happy times spent at grans 1960 to1966 at thanet gdns playing on the beach and the mud in the harbour also four names on tontine street gotha bombing are beers i am also related to george lester family so many happy times i'm 65 now.

John Clough Tuesday, 3 January 2023 09:17
Hi Robert, just seen your note. I remember Thanet Gardens too. I am about the same age as you and used to live on the East Cliff in the 1960s. Do you remember the Co-op on the corner of Thanet Gardens? Mum used to send me there to buy things. Her Co-op number was 7007. At the far end of Thanet Gardens there was a building raised above a wall with "London Knitwear Company" on the front of it, if I remember correctly. And then, on Warren Road, there was a grocer's (Rolf's?), a Post Office and an off-licence.
186) Graham Hale  Male
Reading Berks
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Thursday, 26 November 2020 11:02 Write a comment

I was born in Dover but lived in Folkestone and Hythe from 1953 until 1962. Whatc A great web-site I posted on here in 2018. I hope more people find this.
185) Andrew Lock  Male
East Sussex
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Tuesday, 10 November 2020 08:52 Write a comment

Was there ever a public aquarium in the town in the 1960's? I remember whilst on holiday going down some stairs to a basement with tropical fish tanks.

Christine - site owner Thursday, 18 March 2021 22:31
Hi Andrew, I vaguely remember tanks of fish in the back room of the Shell Shop on The Stade, but I am not sure if it was called The Shell Shop back then. He used to have a grotto, that contained tanks of fish, and it was very dark in there. They are the only tanks of fish that I remember.
184) Nina  Female
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Friday, 30 October 2020 08:02 Write a comment

Hello! What a fabulous website!!

Many of my family came from around Folkestone. My Great Great Grandmother owned the Model Hand Laundry in Cheriton (Mrs Susan Fowler, was Bailey)

I'm trying to find out about a confectionery shop at in Grace Hill? I know my Great Aunt worked there in the 30s and my Grandad says it was owned by Auntie Frances. I have found 2 Frances' in the family, by the surname Bailey or Cutter. I'm just not sure if it was owned by them or just some random lady they called auntie...

I notice someone left a comment about Charles Crescent, my great grandmother lived there, her name was Nina Fowler, I wonder if you remember her?
183) Andi Markos  Male
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Sunday, 18 October 2020 12:03 Write a comment

Did anyone here work at Bowketts bread shop in Guildhall Street in 1967 or the Versatile flooring shop oppposite the Helping Hand Agency shop?
182) Dr J Hall  Male
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Sunday, 27 September 2020 13:37 Write a comment

A lovely website. Thank you for sharing.

Happy memories from 80s and 90s childhood visits to Folkestone grandparents in the summer and games of air hockey in the dome/rotunda

Folks with an interest in the history of Folkestone, and in geneology might enjoy a to visit this 2004(!) blog: []
181) Christine - site owner 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 12_4_8 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
Sunday, 27 September 2020 10:03 Write a comment

Apologies for not responding for a while. This page is supposed to notify me each time someone leaves a message, but the feature is more miss than hit!

Thanks to everyone who has said nice things about my website, I really appreciate it.

Those wondering about me, it’s no mystery, I grew up and married in Folkestone, emigrated to Canada in 1968, as had started a family and found it hard to make a living there on one wage. Being homesick, I started collecting old postcards and was so thrilled to see how lovely Folkestone had looked in Edwardian times that I wanted to share the images with other Folkestonians. Hence my website.

I am 76 now with grandchildren & great-grandchildren here, so will never return except for visits, but my roots will always be deeply buried in Folkestone, and I care very much what they do to it. The past is important to us all, and should always be respected as we move into the future.

Marjorie Smith Friday, 23 April 2021 14:49
Christine!! What a fabulous website! How I wish I could visit Folkestone. I'm in the US and have never made it to the place of my grandparents' lives. Thank you, so very much, for creating the webpage. And, 76 isn't old... I'm 75! Thank you, again.

Christine - site owner Friday, 23 April 2021 19:58
Thank you for the kind words Marjorie. I do hope you manage to get to Folkestone one day, it’s a beautiful place, and if you do, allow lots of time, because there are many many things to see all over the UK.
180) briony latchford  Female
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Tuesday, 25 August 2020 09:49 Write a comment

What a wonderful website but, coming from the area (Folkestone and Hythe) it would be lovely to know who you are!!! Give yourself some credit ... maybe it's there and I can't see it? Have passed it round family and friends - talk about nostalgic. Congratulations.
179) Ian Gregory  Male
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Monday, 24 August 2020 21:10 Write a comment

Grew up in Acrise, left in the 60's, have no clue about the funfair's name, I'm 74 now, give me a break! But what a great job you've done. Just figured it out.

Paul Seward Sunday, 27 September 2020 05:50
Not at The Limes, Pay Street?
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